candy521 发表于 2011-8-15 10:07 只看TA 1楼 |
[笑话] 笑话连篇 1.Canadian Citizenship Application天才翻译官 An immigrant from China is applying for citizenship in Canada. He is to be interviewed by a Canadian immigration officer. He does not speak English well and knows nothing about Canada. Therefore, he invited a special translator to help him in his interview. 一个来自中国的移民,要申请加拿大公民;他不大会说英语,,也不了解加拿大.为了面对移民官的面试,他请了专门的翻译官来帮忙; Officer: Do you know who was the first Prime Minister of Canada? 官员提问;『请问加拿大的总理是谁?』 Translator: ( in Cantonese) The officer asked you, 翻译官用广东话说;「移民官问你; Where do you usually go if you want to eat hamburger? 『 如果你想吃汉堡,通常你会去哪里??』」 Man: (answered to the officer) Oh..... McDonald (the first minister of Canada is Sir John MacDonald.) 申请人对着移民官回答说; 『噢 ! 麦当劳!! 』(加拿大的总理,叫做Sir John MacDonald.) The officer nodded his head and then asked the second question. 移民官点头,然后问下一个问题; Officer: Could you tell me which province you're living in now? 移民官问;「你可以告诉我,你现在住哪一省吗??」 Translator: (in Cantonese) The officer just asked you, What is the dirtiest thing in your nose? 翻译人用广东话说;「移民官问你;『甚么,是你鼻子里最脏的东西?』」 Man: (replied to the officer in Cantonese) Ah..... Bay See (which means nose dirt in Chinese) (The man lives in the province of British Columbia, commonly known as B.C.) 申请人用广东话回答移民官说; 『 啊鼻屎!! 』(即中文鼻子里的脏东西) (他住在the province of British Columbia,简称为B.C. 广东话鼻屎同音) The officer nodded his head again and asked the final question. 移民官又点头,而后问最后问题. Officer: Do you know what your privilege is when you become Canadian? 移民官问; 「你成为加拿大公民后,享有甚么权利??」 Translator: (in Cantonese) The officer asked you, How does a dog sounds like when it barks? 翻译人用广东话说;「移民官问你;『狗吠的时候,叫声是怎样??』」 Man: (demonstrated the sound to the officer)... Woe, Woe. (Vote, Vote. One of the privileges of a Canadian is the right to vote.) 申请人当着移民官的面,做出狗吠的声音;『Woe, Woe!!』(Vote, Vote.) 成为加拿大公民的特权之一,就是投票(Vote.) The officer told the man that all the questions were answered correctly, shook hands with him and congratulated him that he had passed the interview to be a Canadian citizen. 移民官告诉申请人说;所有的问题都答对,跟他握手,并且向他恭喜,已经通过成为加拿大公民的面试了! 2.帅哥 帅哥对老爸说: “「我喜欢靓妹..请你答应让我们结婚吧!!」” 老爸面带愁容:“「我老实告诉你...孩子..她是你老爸年轻时..一时糊涂所种下的孽缘..她是你妹妹..你不能和她结婚啊..」” 帅哥得知後..终日闷闷不乐... 老妈看到了...非常不忍心..於是也对帅哥说了真相:“「其实....你也不是你爸亲生的」” 3.根 话说:曹丕迫曹植七步成诗 植:煮豆.........,本是同根生,相煎何太急。 太屎公曰:这个“根”字写得好! |
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